Double Taxation Agreement between Hong Kong and the United States

International trade and business relationships are essential for the growth and development of any economy. However, businesses operating on an international scale often become subject to double taxation, where profits and income are taxed twice in different countries. To avoid double taxation, various countries have created double taxation agreements (DTAs) that aim to eliminate double taxation and promote trade.

One such agreement is the Double Taxation Agreement between Hong Kong and the United States. The agreement was signed in 1995 and has been effective since 1998. This DTA defines the tax jurisdiction of both countries and provides a framework to avoid double taxation on income and capital gains. Let`s delve deeper into this agreement and understand its provisions.

Scope and Coverage

The Hong Kong-US DTA covers different taxes, including income tax, corporation tax, and other taxes imposed by either country. The scope of the agreement applies to Hong Kong residents deriving income or capital gains in the US and US residents deriving income or capital gains in Hong Kong. Additionally, the agreement applies to individuals, companies, and other entities based in either country.

Elimination of Double Taxation

Under the DTA, double taxation can be avoided in either of the following ways:

1. Exemption Method

The Exemption Method implies that income or capital gains taxed in one country will be exempt from tax in the other country. This method applies to dividends, interest, and royalties. For example, if a Hong Kong resident earns dividend income from a US company, the US will withhold a certain percentage of tax from the earnings. The same income will be exempted from tax in Hong Kong, avoiding double taxation.

2. Credit Method

Under the Credit Method, if a resident of one country earns income or capital gains in the other country, the tax paid in the other country is allowed as a credit against the tax payable in the home country. This method applies to income from employment and income that is not covered under the exemption method.


Overall, the Double Taxation Agreement between Hong Kong and the United States provides a framework for businesses and individuals to promote trade, eliminate double taxation, and mitigate the risk of tax disputes. The provisions of this agreement can be complex and vary depending on individual circumstances. Therefore, it is always advisable to seek professional advice from a tax expert before finalizing any tax-related decisions.