The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) is a comprehensive agreement that sets out the terms of the future relationship between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK). The agreement covers a wide range of areas, including trade in goods and services, fisheries, transport, energy, and security. The agreement is available in all official languages of the EU and the UK, providing clarity and transparency to all stakeholders.

The TCA represents a significant milestone in the history of the EU-UK relationship. It was reached after years of negotiations and was signed on December 24, 2020, just days before the end of the Brexit transition period. The agreement ensures that trade between the EU and the UK continues to flow smoothly, with no tariffs or quotas on goods traded between the two parties.

One of the key features of the TCA is the establishment of a level playing field between the EU and the UK. This means that both sides are committed to upholding high environmental, social, and labor standards, and to preventing distortions of trade and investment. The agreement also includes provisions that ensure fair competition, including state aid rules and anti-dumping measures.

In addition to trade, the TCA covers a range of other areas of cooperation between the EU and the UK. This includes cooperation on security and law enforcement, as well as on research and innovation. The agreement also includes provisions on the recognition of professional qualifications, making it easier for professionals to work and do business across borders.

The TCA is available in all official EU and UK languages, ensuring that businesses and citizens on both sides have access to clear and accurate information about the terms of the agreement. The availability of the agreement in multiple languages also underlines the commitment of both sides to transparency and openness in their relationship.

In conclusion, the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement is a comprehensive agreement that covers a wide range of areas, including trade, transport, energy, and security. The availability of the agreement in all official EU and UK languages ensures that stakeholders on both sides have access to clear and accurate information about the terms of the agreement. The TCA represents a significant step forward in the relationship between the EU and the UK, ensuring that trade and cooperation between the two parties continue to thrive, while upholding high standards and fair competition.